2025 Programme
All the attractions, special guests and things to do on the day...

The Moondyne Festival is jam packed with exciting activities throughout the day in the main street of Toodyay, Colonial Village, St Stephens Church grounds, Duidgee Park & Stirling Park. Find out what's on near you.
Victoria Hotel Street Stage
Time | Event |
9.00am | Pioneer Bush Band |
10.00am | Opening Ceremony Welcome to Country Sharmaine Miles Toodyay Shire President Cr Rosemary Madacsi Hon Darren West MLC, Mr Shane Love MLA |
10.30am | Jarrah Celts |
11.00am | Nathan Colman |
11.30am | 1st Trial of Moondyne Joe |
12.10pm | Irish Dancers |
12.45pm | RAN Band - Big Band Set |
1.30pm | Av'n Fun Line Dancers |
2.00pm | 2nd Trial of Moondyne Joe |
2.40pm | RAN Band - Covers Band |
3.25pm | Fuel to Go & Play Walk Trail Prizes Draw |
3.30pm | Pioneer Bush Band |
Colonial Village Stage
Time | Event |
9.00am | Jarrah Celts |
9.40am | Nathan Colman |
10.30am | Pioneer Bush Band |
11.15am | Toodyay Singers |
12.00pm | Jarra Celt |
1.30pm | Pioneer Bush Band |
2.30pm | Nathan Colman |
3.00pm | Jarrah Celts |
Main Street Stirling Terrace
Time | Event |
9.10am | Paul Davies...all day - CWA Hall |
9.15am | Joe and Gang spotted in town |
9.35am | MC Call Parade to Oddfellow Street. Parade led by Kalamunda Pipe Band start at East end of town. |
10.30am | Watch convicts construct Toodyay Gaol - Victoria Hotel |
10.30am | Mad Tatters Morris Dancers - East end of town |
10.30am | Convict Acrobats roam street |
10.50am | Kalamunda Pipe Band - Fremasons Hotel |
11.10am | Watch the Moondyne Joe capture - CWA Hall |
11.50am | Marlee Morris Dancers - East end of town |
12.25pm | Black Chooks - Freemasons Hotel |
12.30pm | Convict Acrobats roam street |
1.15pm | Moustache Competition - Victoria Hotel |
1.20pm | Irish Dancers - Freemasons Hotel |
1.40pm | Joe seen on balcony and captured - Freemasons Hotel |
1.40pm | Marlee Morris Dancers - West end of town |
2.30pm | Mad Tatters Morris Dancers - West end of town |
2.45pm | Convict Acrobats roam street |
3.00pm | Floozie Competition - Freemasons Hotel |
3.25pm | Black Chooks - Freemasons Hotel |
Activities Throughout The Day
Colonial Village
Jarrah Celtic Band & other musicians: 9am – 4pm. Music and dance all day at the Colonial Village. Take a seat on the straw bales or swing your partner round and round.
Bush Poets: Listen to the bush ballads and poems narrating a story from the times
Blacksmith: Dave will be giving demonstrations during the day (watch out at 9.30 when Moondyne Joe steals a bridle)
Newcastle General Store: go down memory lane checking out items sold in years gone by…
Swaggies Inn: Meet our Swaggies and have a taste of the stew and damper
Newcastle Photo Room: Great fun for families…bring your kids in and have your photo taken
Loretta Egan Aboriginal Artist
Birds of Prey in Courtyard
Bush Medicine

Roaming the Main Street (Stirling Terrace)
Town Crier (providing information of the events)
Moondyne Joe and his gang, floozies, coppers, swaggies, temperance ladies, stilt walkers; escaped convict
Jarrah Celts,Kalamunda Pipe Band, Royal Australian Navy Band Marlee Morris Dancers, Mad Tatters Morris Dancers, Sheep Dog Demonstration and much more

In and near the Main Street
Devonshire Teas CWA Hall
Lions Wiggly Worm (Bendigo Bank)
Flea Market (Memorial Hall)
Historical Cycle Club (old Fire Station)
Toodyay Historical Society Display (Bendigo Bank)

Newcastle Gaol Museum
Ask for directions at the Toodyay Visitors Centre (Piesse St)

In Duidgee Park
Miniature Railway Rides: Take a journey on Toodyay’s famous Miniature Railway, use the playground equipment and take a break, BBQ’s available for your use!
10th Light Horse WW1 Memorial Display
Billy Cart Rides
Vintage & Classic Cars & Motorbikes Display
Horse & Cart Rides & Vintage Horse Works

In and near St Stephen's Church Grounds
Progressive Axemen’s Association (Log Chopping Demonstrations 10.30 to 3pm)
St Stephens Anglican Church Service 1860’s style on the lawn – 10am
Respite Centre (in the Church hall)
Barn Babes Petting Zoo
WA Police Historical Society

In Stirling Park
West Coast Carnivals

Information Booth & Assistance
The Moondyne information booth located at the Colonial Village. Come and see us, or for any info out on the street see the Town Crier and the Moondyne Volunteers.

Print off a copy of the Moondyne Map to refer to as you’re wandering around!
Moustache & Floozie Competition
Moondyne are presenting 3 prizes each...