Terms & Conditions


Toodyay Festivals Regulations & By-Laws


In the context of the Regulations and By-Laws: the word Moondyne 2018 shall mean the Toodyay Festivals;

The word Committee shall mean the current Committee of Management.


All applications are received such to these Regulations and By-Laws, to the special regulations governing each selection,  the Commercial Trade Exhibit Regulations, Side Show Operator’s Regulations, the Food Vendor’s Regulations and the By-Laws of the Shire of Toodyay.



The Committee reserves the right of refusing, cancelling or accepting conditionally any application without being required to give an explanation or being liable for any compensation.


The vendor or exhibitor of any stall, disapproved of as an exhibit by the Committee must immediately on notice to that effect, remove such exhibit or stand of exhibits from the Moondyne Festival.

Should the Committee have reason to suspect any stall is dangerous or objectionable or manifestly diseased, it may have the same removed from, or refused at the Moondyne Festival.

Every reasonable care will be taken with stalls, but no responsibility will be incurred by the Committee.  Precautions will be taken to guard against fire and to protect the property of the Moondyne Festival and the stallholders, but stalls will not be insured at the expense of the Moondyne Festival.

The Committee will not be responsible for any accident that may be caused through or by any stall or stallholder and shall be a condition of entry that each stallholder shall hold the Committee blameless and indemnified against any legal proceedings arising from any such accidents.

No goods or services to be offered for sale other than those indicated on the Stallholder Application Form and approved by the Committee.

The sale, distribution or use is prohibited of any item which may by its use or operation cause alarm or distress to any person or animal.

Public Liability Insurance – a “Certificate of Currency” must be sighted and a copy of this document must be supplied to the Committee.